Week 8: How Long Will It Take To Remodel My Kitchen?
Every week we have been revealing the most commonly asked questions when remodeling a kitchen in our blog series What You Need to Know About Kitchen Design.
Time costs money, so it’s not surprising that it relates to the second most commonly asked question.
Question 2: How Long Will It Take To Remodel My Kitchen?
The construction phase of a kitchen remodel usually runs 4 to 12 weeks.
Why such a wide range?
A lot depends on how well you’ve planned. We like to get all of the materials for our kitchen remodels to the job site – or at the very least to a local warehouse – before the contractor starts work. Then, your kitchen is completed rapidly and you’re not paying for your contractor to sit around waiting for materials or losing your construction crew to another project with materials at the ready.
That kind of coordination requires a deep level of planning.
Our master item list – furnishings and fixtures commonly used in remodels – includes over 200 items. No room needs all 200, but we check for each and every one to avoid nasty surprises that blow the budget and the timeline.
Still have questions? Call 925-285-0815 or email jackie@venueathome.com now to schedule a 30-minute phone consultation. Yours FREE when you mention this blog post.
Next week we’ll answer Kitchen Design Question 1: What Will It Cost To Remodel My Kitchen?
Jackie Lopey embraced her creativity and passion over 10 years ago when she left her corporate job in San Francisco to become an interior designer. Since then she has worked with over a hundred satisfied clients transforming hundreds of rooms, and Jackie’s reputation now precedes her as one of the top Certified Interior Designers in the East Bay.
She has a keen eye for detail and uniquely intuits her clients wants and needs. If you want a home that is breathtaking and deeply personal, Jackie Lopey and her team at Venue are the experts you need to talk to.
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